Communication can be thought of as the ability to express a variety of messages, with a variety of people, in a variety of situations.  It is the key to success in life. Dive deeper into these topics:

  • Waxbarashada Caadiga-ku saleysan

  • Gacmo-hoosta-gacan

  • Experience Books

  • Doorka Asxaabta

Waxbarashada Caadiga-ku saleysan

Students with complex and diverse communication needs benefit from routines that are meaningful and consistent. With practice, using the same routines, students will show us what they can do. Creating predictable routines gives students more “say” in the matter, thereby empowering them, whether or not they are able to physically complete the entire routine themselves. Empowerment, self-advocacy and self-determination are all key factors in effective and meaningful communication development.


The use of hand-under-hand (HUH) is a wonderful way to encourage students to display independence and have control over their own hands (or other body parts like feet). This autonomy when used for mutually exploring things together and eventually for tactile signing allows students to move at their own pace and in their own way, all the while knowing someone is there participating with them. Eventually this can lead to tactile communication.

Experience Books

Eeg tusaalayaal buugaag la gaaryeelay oo loo sameeyay ujeedada akhriska wacan iyo wada xidhiidhka la wadaago. Marka fikradaha iyo erayada ay koraan, luqad badan ayaa lagu dari karaa. Fursado badan oo lagula xidhiidho asxaabta iyo qoyska.

Doorka Asxaabta

Xirfadaha isgaarsiineed ayaa door muhiim ah ka ciyaara isku xirka ardayda facooda ah. Waa lama huraan in ardaydu ay helaan fursado ay kula xiriiraan oo ay kula koraan dhigooda si ay u dhistaan ​​kalsooni, madaxbannaani, iyo saaxiibtinimo.