Welcome to our new WA Deaf-Blind Child Count portal! Please go to DB Child Count portal to update child/student or portal user information. Questions? Contact us at: deaf.blind@wssb.wa.gov

Why do this count? Each year, state deaf-blind projects are required to conduct an annual Deaf-Blind Child Count, also referred to as “Deaf-Blind registry.” This key initiative allows states to identify the number of children and youth ages birth to 22 who are eligible to receive specialized services such as consultation, technical assistance and training for school staff and early support agencies.

“Children who are deafblind are among the most vulnerable, at-risk students… If not specifically identified as deafblind, these children and youth risk not receiving the services they require.”

– Eric Caruso, OSEP Project Officer

Child Count by ESD Map

Map of Washington State showing WA DeafBlind Child Count by ESD (2023)

Click to view child count map

*National Center on Deafblindness (NCDB) verified data available fall 2024

Dear Colleague Letter

Eric Caruso, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)

Add New Child or Request Support

A parent, teacher, or related service provider can request support for a student who may be eligible to be added to the child count. This is necessary to access our services.