Как мы можем поддержать:

Our team can address specific challenges and understands the uniqueness of deafblindness, along with complex health needs for children and youth, birth to 22 years.

  • Помощь в оценке сильных сторон и потребностей ребенка

  • План функциональных целей IEP и дошкольных услуг

  • Постоянная поддержка и обучение образовательных команд

  • Улучшить доступ к академическому контенту

  • Помогите команде IEP и семье с значимыми целями оценки

  • Способствуйте общению, языку и грамотности с помощью ключевых практик

Услуги по оказанию помощи глухим и слепым в образовательных учреждениях

Interveners, through the provision of intervener services, provide access to information and communication and facilitate the development of social and emotional well-being for children who are deaf-blind. In educational environments, intervener services are provided by an individual, typically a paraeducator, who has received specialized training in deaf-blindness and the process of intervention. An intervener provides consistent one-to-one support to a student who is deaf-blind (ages 3 through 22 or as mandated by state regulations) throughout the instructional day.