Cómo podemos apoyar:

Our team can address specific challenges and understands the uniqueness of deafblindness, along with complex health needs for children and youth, birth to 22 years.

  • Ayuda con la evaluación de las fortalezas y necesidades del niño.

  • Plan para las metas funcionales del IEP y los servicios preescolares

  • Apoyo y formación continua a los equipos educativos

  • Mejorar el acceso al contenido académico

  • Ayudar al equipo del IEP y a la familia con objetivos de evaluación significativos

  • Promover la comunicación, el lenguaje y la alfabetización a través de prácticas clave

Servicios de intervención para personas sordociegas en entornos educativos

Interveners, through the provision of intervener services, provide access to information and communication and facilitate the development of social and emotional well-being for children who are deaf-blind. In educational environments, intervener services are provided by an individual, typically a paraeducator, who has received specialized training in deaf-blindness and the process of intervention. An intervener provides consistent one-to-one support to a student who is deaf-blind (ages 3 through 22 or as mandated by state regulations) throughout the instructional day.