What’s New?

Introducing Our First Monthly Family Newsletter!

2024-10-17T14:48:16-07:00October 3, 2024|

We’re excited to share the first edition of the Washington DeafBlind Program’s Family Newsletter! Each month, we’ll bring you resources, events, and tips to support you and your family. ...

NEW! Awe & Wonder Podcast

2024-10-17T14:49:10-07:00August 16, 2024|

Kathee Scoggin and Emma Packard discuss the role of AAC, building rapport, and learning from children who are deafblind. Kathee Scoggin: “A parent of one child said to me ...

DeafBlind Awareness Week is June 23-30th

2024-10-17T14:50:19-07:00June 21, 2024|

This year marks the 40th anniversary of this national advocacy campaign, held each year since 1984. The purpose of DeafBlind Awareness Week is to raise public awareness about individuals ...

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